Have you arrived in life?
Is your life pretty good, but you wish you could have done things differently?
Are you thinking my life should be the perfect picture of success – personally and professionally?
Do you sometimes compare yourself and your life to others and it just gets you down?
Stop comparing, consider where your expectations are coming from and start valuing who you are.
Comparing your life to someone else’s is detrimental, it brings down your self-worth and self-esteem. Why? Because there will always be someone who is smarter, more successful and better off than you. We compare to what we don’t have - often without considering if we actually want what we don’t have - instead of being thankful for what we have.
Expectations are should statements and often set you up for disappointment. Why? Because they are typically created without reason, involve extrinsic outcomes and based on someone else’s values and beliefs that you have adopted. You can still have dreams about your life and when you drop the expectation, you start to live in and appreciate the real moment.
Once you accept the good and bad parts of yourself and recognise who you truly are inside, you begin to welcome and value who you are. Why? Because you have learned to trust yourself and that you are perfect in your imperfections. And as Marianne Williamson puts it, “It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”
If you feel inspired by the above, please join me as I share my personal story of “I can”.