Saying “Yes” to yourself is not neglecting those around you
Do you sometimes wonder who you are?
- daughter, sister, mother.
- wife, partner, lover.
- manager, worker, colleague.
- nurse, chauffeur, housekeeper.
- friend, buddy, retail therapy partner in crime.
It’s amazing that you do all of that – for others. It’s overwhelming – for you.
I ask you (like you have probably asked yourself many times) – where are YOU in all of this? Is there space and time for YOU?
YOU – the ‘you’ that doing things for yourself. The ‘you’ you want to be. The ‘you’ you can be.
Whether you are a
- daughter, sister, mother;
- wife, partner, lover, friend;
- manager, employee, colleague;
you may sometimes feel that you need time for yourself. For yoga, a bath, a book or just going for a walk.
At the same time you may think, if I take time for myself,
- I am not getting work done,
- I am neglecting those around me and
- I am not spending time with loves ones.
And so you put your wants and needs on the back-burner, and do all those amazing things for others.
What you may not be realising in the moment is that you are actually depleting your own resources, ultimately leading to the exact opposite of what you are trying to achieve.
Have you noticed in those situations that your patience is fraying faster, your replies may be sharper and you are not enjoying yourself?
Have you noticed getting annoyed with yourself - possibly others are aware of your lack of enthusiasm and you are not meeting your own expectations. You’re letting yourself and those around you down.
By taking time and care for yourself, you are filling your own cup. When your own cup is full, you have the resources and positive energy to be there for those around you.
Taking for yourself, so you can give to others.