You KNOW what you SHOULD do
The question is, why don’t you?
What IS stopping you from
looking after yourself more?
working less?
spending more time with family and friends?
re-assessing your choices and options?
following your heart and dreams?
Are what is stopping you
expectations from family, friends, peers, others around you?
beliefs that it was always done this way and it’s the best/only way?
thoughts that looking after yourself and your wants is an indulgence?
assumptions that everyone around you is perfect and you need/want to be too?
beliefs that you are only worthy and respected if you say yes to all demands?
convictions that this won’t last forever and one day you’ll be good enough and life will be different?
beliefs that if you say no you are weak?
thoughts that you don’t deserve to be happy until you’ve made everyone around you happy?
fears of being judged?
If you said yes to any of these, ask yourself if the shoes you wore as a 6-year old still fit you. And if it isn’t time to let some of these ideas go as well.
While we at AdventureYourself don’t have all the answers, there are a few things we believe, like
Doing and giving less so we can do and give more
Putting our inner critic to rest so we can trust and love ourselves more
Suspending judgement and comparison with others so we can recognise and appreciate our own value
stop shoulding so we can start being.