You are never “just a …”

Is that how you introduce yourself?

- I am just a mum / dad.

- I am just an employee at xyz.

- I am just a student / graduate.

- I am just helping out.

That tiny word “just” is just doing exactly that, making you and whatever you do tiny and unimportant.

What would it feel like, if you were proud of what you do and who you are? If you recognised and acknowledged the importance of who you are and what you do?

- That being a mum / dad is the most important and influential job you will ever have? That to your children, you are the most important person?

- That you are getting paid to do work that will benefit and create value for the organisation you work for? That you are a contributing part of a team?

- That you have committed yourself to study and getting a degree? That you are setting out on your life and that life-long learning is part of it?

- That if you didn’t help out, somebody who is already overworked has to work more? That helping out is getting work done that otherwise wouldn’t?

How often are you “just-ing” yourself and not acknowledging your worth - to yourself and those around you?

If you’re done with “just” being yourself, maybe you are ready to go on the adventure with, for and to yourself -


Recognising what you already have - and using it


You KNOW what you SHOULD do