Reclaiming your mojo

Feeling tired and listless getting out of bed in the morning?
Finding limited joy and enthusiasm in and for work, whatever work is for you?
Your favourite hobby stopped being fun and lost its excitement?

If you answered yes to any or all of the questions above, the question is:

What are you doing to get that spark back?

It seems so easy to just stay put or continue to let things slide because it takes effort to claw back the lost ground, doesn’t it?

If your confidence, energy, or enthusiasm went out the door over the last months, you’re not alone.

But - do you remember who and how you are at your best?
Didn’t that feel much better?
More satisfying?
Much more like you?

If you said yes to the above, do you know how to get there?

Just like a PT can help you to get fit physically, as wellbeing coach I can help you build and reclaim the mindset you want and perhaps had before.

Just like Jane Doe, who said to me recently “Oh crikey, Sonja, I totally lost my waistline over the last months. And that trip with my girl-friends to South America – gone! I don’t know if I can get there again. Can you help? I am just too tired and mentally exhausted to think and plan anything.”

There is a long and a short answer, that being: “Yes, I can help you.”

Jane is coming up to the mountains for a couple of hours of self-care and letting go of worries and thoughts. That’s the most important thing for her at the moment.

We’ll work on what she wants, what’s stopping her and develop a step-by-step plan to manage challenges later. If she still wants to go to South America, I’ll support her every step of the way (short of paying for the trip). If her goal changes, I’ll be there too.

Over to you - what is your South America?

Coaching with AdventureYourself means going on a journey of self-discovery and rediscovering the person with dreams, ideals, who believed anything was possible.


It still doesn’t seem quite right


Don’t let go now!