How much are you hiding?
From yourself? From others?
What would it feel or be like to “just” BE you?
Without judgement. Without reservations. Without repercussions or regret.
I hear people say “dance like nobody is watching”. A few weeks ago I did just that. With about 50 other people. In the dark. It was amazing.
After the intro, the lights where turned off and the music on. Immediately the energy in the room increased. I could feel the movement of others around me, but I couldn’t see them. Giving myself up to the rhythm of the music was easy. I had nothing to hide because nobody was watching. It was ultimately liberating. And even though we couldn’t see anyone we were connected and in sync - jumping up and down during sections of certain songs, moving slower when the music slowed.
The lights coming back on was harsh. What wasn’t were all the bright, shining faces around, smiles, laughter, relaxation.
“Awesome". “Cool.” “Out of this world”. “Liberating”. “Fun”.
And it was. It made me think of how much we restrain ourselves in our daily lives, how much of ourselves we hide for fear of being judged, how much we hold ourselves together instead of just letting go.
There’s a line in Robbie Williams’ song ‘Feel’ - “'Cause I got too much life running through my veins, going to waste”.
Perhaps dancing in the dark is a first step to not letting life go to waste and building up the courage to dance when and where we want to - for ourselves. Without hiding.
Are you ready to go on the adventure?