Are your dreams ready to come out of lock-down?
Vaccination rates are up (in NSW and AU) and there is a plan to lift restrictions. It is what many of us have been waiting for.
It has been 3 months since Greater Sydney went into lock-down. And like you, I have been dreaming about all the things I couldn’t do during lock-down. Interestingly enough, that list also included things that had been on my bucket list since before Covid and lock-down. Things that went into the “I’ll do that later or next year/when I’m or the kids are older/when I have the time/money” category.
Covid and lock-down made me realise that “later” or when I have “money/time” can turn into “it’s a bit (too?) late now”.
My childhood friend from Germany had wanted to come visit me in Australia with her husband for many years now – after the kids were grown up enough to be left on their own for a few weeks. We had exciting plans on what we wanted to do – go sailing in the Whitsundays, hiking in the Snowy Mountains, canyoning and abseiling in the Blue Mountains, celebrate milestone birthdays. But there were always ‘excuses’. Not this year because of abc, not next year because of xyz. Sure, one can question if she really intended to come in the first place. For the last 18 months and probably for the foreseeable near future, that has become a moot point. They can’t come. That window of opportunity to do all these things is getting smaller. None of us are getting younger and personal circumstances can change. And yet, the dream continues.
I don’t want it to stay an unlived dream. I want it to become reality. After lock-down and when international travel is possible again. I’ll do whatever is in my control to make it happen and I will influence what I can. It’s not unrealistic.
Maybe lock-down inspired you to revisit your bucket list? Maybe during lock-down with all its restrictions, you met and rediscovered the person with the dreams and ideals, who believed anything was possible? Maybe you created a fairy light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel during lock-down to get you through this time?
Don’t toss the dreams after the restrictions ease or lift. They sustained you through this difficult period, they deserve to be celebrated and lived.
If you want to embrace your dreams and courageously follow your heart post lock-down, come on the adventure with, for and to yourself with AdventureYourself.
#followyourdreams #inspiration #courage #mindsetcoaching