Don’t LOOK the part, BE the part
“Dress for the role you want to have.”
“Fake it until you make it.”
We’ve heard that before. The truth though is, it doesn’t work.
Because unless you actually believe in yourself, you won’t be able to convincingly fake it. No Armani suit or Chanel dress will get you that role if you don’t have the self-worth, self-confidence and assertiveness to show it off. Conversely, if you do have it - the self-worth, self-confidence and assertiveness, it doesn’t matter what you wear, people will listen to you.
Because you ARE the part. You believe in yourself and that translates. If you can tell someone is faking it, chances are others can as well. And if you are inspired to follow someone who exudes deeply grounded authentic confidence and inner strength, others will follow and support you too.
So, BE the one you want to be. BE the part, don’t just LOOK the part.