Change and Covid-19
Everything changed for everyone with Covid-19. And the focus here is on change - what we believe about change and how we deal with change. We typically associate change with uncertainty, anxiety, frustration, anger, helplessness and powerlessness. Few of us embrace it, most of us eye it with caution. Why? Because it disrupts our sense of normality, it throws us into emotional and mental turmoil, it pushes us out of our comfort zone.
Why does it do that?
It is the meanings we give change and the beliefs we have about change. When and how did we learn that change is associated with uncertainty? What belief do we have about uncertainty? About frustration and anger? What if frustration and anger were just normal human emotions? Emotions that make us human? When and how did we learn that human emotions are not acceptable to have? What if anger showed up when our values were violated? Wouldn’t we want that kind of feeling and emotion? What about compassion, love and kindness? Aren’t they too human emotions? How can it be acceptable to have those but not others?
First and foremost, we need to accept that these emotions and feelings are just that - feelings and emotions. No more, no less. They can only be hurtful and destructive if we allow them to be. Just like love, compassion and kindness are nurturing and supportive. Having and experiencing these emotions has no effect on our surrounding unless we act upon them. And acting upon them is within our control.
This leads to what do we have control over. There are four areas that we have control over - internally to us: our thoughts and feelings; externally to us: our words and behaviours, Nobody can take those powers away from us, unless we chose to give them away. Have you given your powers away?
Are you ready to own your powers again? And take control of what you can?
Visit Mind your Mind on my What We Do page as well for some ideas on how to manage your mind during challenging times.