The Performance Zone is for everyone
The performance zone isn’t just for elite athletes and performers. It is for everyone. It is where you step into your personal growth. It’s the sweet spot where you push your boundaries to achieve your dreams and goals.
Often, it is not our lack of knowledge or ability, but our frame of mind that holds us back. A fear of failing, of being judged, of ‘should-ing’ and ‘but-ing’.
It takes courage and perseverance to expand one’s ability, embrace uncertainty and grow. And it’s ok to retreat to the comfort zone periodically before mustering the strength to leave again.
What are the benefits of leaving your Comfort zone and moving into your Performance or Growth zone?
Self-actualisation and the ability to achieving your full potential
Developing a growth mindset where setbacks become opportunities for learning and expanding the possible
Resilience and the ability to handle change, ambiguity, bounce back and reach new heights
Greater self-efficacy and the belief in being able to execute necessary, specific, not too difficult and short-term actions in service of a goal.
When you step into your performance zone, you do so consciously and with an awareness of leaving your comfort zone and intuitively knowing (and stopping) where your danger zone begins. Understanding and capitalising on your personal strengths is key to stepping into your performance and growth zone. Likely, you have experienced leaving your comfort zone in at least one area of your life, and have found plenty of insights to be uncovered from this experience.
How could that look like in practice? For me, it means challenging myself outdoors. Last week, at the beginning of the floods, I went for a 40 km walk - in the rain. I didn’t really want to go out, and so initially I was very angry at my husband for making me. Then I realised. I could have said no had I really not wanted to go for that walk. Like you, I sometimes need a hand to help me do what is good for me. As it is, I had noticed myself slipping too far into my comfort zone as my degree of boredom was reaching unhealthy levels. Long story short. I got past that initial ‘meh, no’ and that self-centred feeling-sorry-for-myself mindset. Instead pushing that boundary of personal comfort affirmed that I could be comfortable with uncomfortable, that I have resilience, self-efficacy and a growth mindset. Tired and wet, but with a sense of achievement, purpose and inner calm I walked into the pub at the end. To the incredulous looks and comments of “I couldn’t do that” - yes, you can, everyone can, when you step into your performance zone.
Are you ready to step into your growth zone and do you want tips on how to leave your comfort zone?