Are you playing to your strengths?

When I did my first VIA Survey of Character Strengths, my top or signature strengths ranked -

  • Curiosity and Interest in the World, Honesty, Perseverance, Bravery and Leadership.

Five years later, I re-did the survey and my signature strengths ranked -

  • Bravery, Honesty, Curiosity and Interest in the World, Perseverance and Judgement.

During these five years, I had the opportunity to undertake leadership and self-development coaching. Part of me was thinking (maybe even hoping) that some of the strengths I considered soft(er), such as Kindness, Gratitude, Hope, Teamwork and Love would develop and move up. To me, my signature strengths sounded hard. And I thought they made me hard.

The VIA Survey ranks 24 universally accepted character strengths based on which ones we display and feel most comfortable with. There is none better or worse than another as they are all strengths and every one of us has each of these strengths. Our signature strengths (those that are more central to who we are) are typically the top 4-6. When we are consistently able to use these, we are at our best.

It was only much later that I realised the strength and validity of this survey. Looking back over my achievements, I recognised that I was actually at my best - thriving, flourishing, happy, when I had the opportunity to work with my signature strengths. And vice-versa, they supported me when I faced challenges.

Moving to an English speaking country at age 9 with no knowledge of English, jumping a grade (from Year 3 to Year 5), attending 6 schools over 13 years of schooling, majoring in Chinese Studies and multiple career changes, walking 820 km unsupported across the Australian Alps in 51 days, endurance hikes, climbing, those strengths really came to the forefront. And daunting as these experiences sound, I can honestly say, they brought out the best in me. I feel more at ease with myself in those situations and I excelled in my efforts.

I also learned to use these strengths to support less ranked strengths like Teamwork, Fairness, Love, Social Intelligence, Zest, Prudence and Forgiveness. Through experience I know that my lesser ranked strengths can be brought forth strongly depending on situations.

Knowing what my strengths are and playing to them has made a huge difference to how I see and talk to myself. And that has made a difference to my wellbeing. Because I am capable of amazing things.

Do you know what your strengths are and how to play to them?


When your strengths go to town on you


A new perspective